Saturday, December 7, 2019

College Reunion

It was a long time in planning, but finally the guys were able to settle on a date for their great reunion. It has been years since they graduated from university and everyone moved on with their lives, building successful careers, starting their own families, raising kids, and so on. Even though they've kept in touch over the years, gathering together in person was getting more and more difficult. So this is going to be a wonderful occasion to finally reconnect with their best buddies...a whole long weekend, just the good old guys, no wives, no kids, no girlfriends, no phone calls, no emails, etc. Carl even offered to host the gathering at his cottage out in the wild for greater seclusion and privacy. 

After years of building and living their serious adult lives, they surely miss the feeling of being a carefree college kid, partying and hanging out together in that old house they rented together off-campus. Yes, they sure miss those good old days...but more so than just wanting to see the gang again after so many years and catching up on everyone's lives, there's just one more particular thing that these guys having been most looking forward to reconnect and relive with each other. It's that special connection that they have with each other, that bonded them so tightly together as an intimate pack even after so many years...if only their wives, girlfriends, kids, or friends realized what this is, or what kinds of "buddy stuff" are they actually going to engage in over this weekend...

The guys all took off from work a bit early on Friday afternoon and drove straight away to Carl's cottage far out in the countryside. As soon as they step into the house, after a few quick pleasantries with each other, they wasted no time pairing off into small groups and got down to real business of "reconnecting" intimately with their good old buddies, through smell and taste... 



And so the college buddies reunited and were complete lost in their ecstatic "reconnection" with each other well into the evening. They missed the feeling and odour of one another for so long that they seemed to have become instantly hooked on it again, like a long forgotten feeling that just suddenly reignited in their minds again. The guys were already eagerly talking about needing to do these gatherings more often again (perhaps at least once a month). But that's for later on, for now, the long weekend has only just started, and they have lots of fun planned. They'll try to not hand out too late tonight, because tomorrow, they'll head out together for a morning jog and hike through the forest, then it's back to the cottage to "reconnect" with each other again for the rest of the day...

Private Tutoring

Diego's parents were not at all concerned about him hanging out frequently over at Prof Anderson's home, their new neighbour next do...